2b. Adding and Editing Clients

An accurate client record can help speed up the process of adding trip tickets and improve accuracy of reporting.

Adding Clients:

Search to make sure the client isn’t already in the system.

  1. Click the Clients button to bring up the client list.


  2. Type in the search field. Start with the client’s last name.


  3. If you don’t find the client, click on Add to open the new client form.

Note: The client search defaults to search by last name, but you can also search by first name or by any text on the client record. but buttons just below the search field will automatically switch to full name or full text search modes of no client records contain the last name you are searching for.

New Client Form:

On a new client records there are several tabs to be filled out.

Client Details

The client details tab is where you set the client name, home and mailing address and demographic information about the client. Name and Address are required fields. It is strongly suggested you also collect birthdate, in order to be able to calculate age groups for reporting.

Other fields may be optional based on the preferences of your organization.

The fields just below Affiliation are customizable, and you can configure the label and the values in the drop down menus. These can be helpful for collecting extra demographic information as needed, such as household size or income brackets.

The Authorized field will automatically be set to the current date when adding a new record, but if you are preregistering a rider, you can adjust the date into the future to prevent them from riding before that date.

Expiration and Lock Out 'till fields are for controlling

Note: To add the address, double click the yellow box labeled home address and you will be presented with the address form where you can add or select an address for the client.

Ticket Defaults

Contact Details

Credits Acct (Optional)

Eligiblity (Optional)

