Easy Rides Server Configuration


This document describes how an Easy Rides server is normally configured.  Some installations have different configurations or variations, but this is the core of how it fits together.  Sometimes when we refer to a server it is necessary to distinguish between the database server, file server, application server, the web server and possibly even the remote client host server.  Typically, we setup the database, applications and web server all on the same computer or OS environment on a single server.  

For this document, we’ll describe a scenario where we have a separate server for everything.  This will help in understanding the extra steps that we might need for setup.  If you’re working with a single server that hosts the database, the exes and the web server (for mobile units and web ride requests), then you can adjust as needed.


Host – A network host is a computer, virtual machine or other device connected to the computer network. A network host may offer the database, services, and applications to users or other nodes on the network.

Database Server

The host of the SQL Server database.  The database is where all of the records are stored for Easy rides.  We usually name the database something like “ERides[Customername]” or “ERides[Production]” without the brackets.

Application Server

The host of the Easy Rides folder that contains the Easy Rides software programs, file data connections, reports, and other needed related files used by the software or users of the software.

Web Server

Sometimes called “Tablet Server”.  The host of the ERWebServer.exe software that allows communications between the mobile units on the internet and the internal SQL Server database (database server).  Don’t let the name “Web Server” throw you too much – we are not referring here to hosting a web server for public use in internet browsers, this is just the tablet server for the app that is used for the driver’s manifest.  

Remote Client Server

The host of Remote Desktop or Terminal Services.  This one may not apply at all to the setup you’re working on, but sometimes the Terminal Server is used to host Remote Desktop sessions which serve the OS environment for users.

Data Connection File

A .ini (encrypted) or .udl (unencrypted) file that is used by the Easy Rides software, MSAccess and other Easy Rides utilities such as the DBSyncronizer.  All the Easy Rides software tools look for a file called “DefaultDataLink.ini” or “DefaultDataLink.udl” in the same folder as the software to establish the data connection to the SQL Server.  This is very handy because we don’t need to configure a system dsn or user dsn on each workstation.

Windows Authentication

The account used to log into the workstation or desktop computer.  Using Windows Authentication for the Data Connection File provides a higher level of security and a greater degree of control of individual use of the software in regards to its connection to the SQL Server but also requires more IT maintenance as they have to configure Groups or individual users with permissions allowing connection to the SQL Server’s Easy Rides database.

SQL Authentication

A SQL Server account that can be configured in the Security folder and mapped to the Easy Rides database to be used for the data connection file.  SQL Authentication is generally easier to setup for agencies who want to minimize use of IT resources because it only needs to be setup once for each database.  The Easy Rides software programs would open and connect to the SQL Server database no matter who runs it – but an Agent login is still required in Easy Rides or the Easy Rides Utility to do anything other than Read Only.

Configuration Needs

Windows Firewall

Database Host usually needs to have sqlservr.exe allowed through Windows firewall and ports TCP 1433, UDP 1434 for internal traffic.

Router or Network Firewall

Needs to forward external port designated (such as 8282) to the host machine of ERWebServer.  Usually, you’ll need to assign a DHCP reservation for static IP to ERWebServer host machine internally.

Other Elements

Tablet Internet Connection

The tablet uses a cellular data internet connection (4G) and has a built-in GPS.  Alternatively, WiFi tablets coupled with an in-vehicle WiFi hotspot (which has it’s own broadband cellular internet connection).  Portable consumer hotspot devices or “JetPacks” are not suggested.

The Easy Rides Driver Manifest app

The tablet has the Easy Rides Driver Manifest app installed (free from the Google Play store).  This is what the driver uses to get and perform trips.  This app needs permissions for location from the device.  Sometimes you might need to go to the Application Manager in the settings of the tablet, find the EasThe Once logged in, the app can store data even if it loses connectivity to the internet.  When connectivity is restored, the data forwards and syncs to the ERWebServer and database.

Tablet Configuration

Tablets need:

  • 4G cellular data broadband internet connection (or connection to in-vehicle WiFi).
  • Google Account configured and logged in – You can use the same Google account for all the tablets.
  • The Easy Rides Driver Manifest from the Google Play Store.
  • The URL or WAN IP address with port to connect to the ERWebServer Host.
  • Enable location services, but set to GPS Only (called ‘Device Only’ on some devices). It’s best NOT to use “High Accuracy” because it constantly turns on the WiFi radio and attempts to identify WiFi hotspots for location data.  This could shorten battery life and could contribute to connectivity issues.
  • TeamViewer Quick Support (not required for functionality, but highly recommended for troubleshooting and support)
  • Mobile Management Software (as required by the operating agency).  This is not currently required, supplied or managed by the Easy Rides support team.
  • You may want the screen timeout reset to 5 or 10 minutes to make it more convenient for the driver to perform stops without having to wake the tablet as often.