Easy Rides Tablet Quick Reference for Drivers

Easy Rides Tablet Quick Reference for Drivers

After logging in

Verify that you are in the correct vehicle and have the correct route. If it is wrong, log out and call dispatch to correct it

Verify or change odometer by pressing “Change Odometer”

Once you have changed or verified the odometer by pressing “Done”, press “Go

Performing Trips - tap on stop and Go to the bottom of the stop details

Pick Up

Arrive (notice time stamp in green text on bottom left) before pressing On Board

Change Odom (Change odometer and press done) before On Board

Fare and Fare Type (Check and Set as needed before On Board)

On Board (When passenger is secured properly in a seat and ready for bus to leave)

Drop Off

Deliver (notice time stamp in green text on bottom left) before client gets off bus

Change Odom (Change odometer and press done) when you arrive at drop off address

Depart (press when your doors are closed and you are ready to leave)


Change Status

Tap “Change Status” when your current status needs to be changed. The current status is always visible so you can make sure it is always correct.

Last Stop

Last Stop Prompt – Pick the appropriate option and tap OK. You will have to verify/change odometer.

End Service

When you arrive at the yard (depending on your operating procedures) you may need to Change Status into “Dead Head” if not already in Dead Head mode.

Logout – After finishing post trip, cleaning, fuel, etc. you need to Change Status to “End Revenue Service” before you press “Logout”. Pressing Logout if your current status is not OUT_OF_SERVICE will leave you logged into your route in the currently displayed status.

After Logout, the app will return to the Login screen and you are now finished. It is not necessary to close the app and the tablet may not be powered off or put into sleep mode as appropriate.

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